

Department of Agriculture

Departmental Profile


  • To Increase the Production and Productivity with the available area through adoption of new technologies.
  • To Double the production with the available area through increasing the productivity of all crops
  • To Triple the income of the farmers by reducing the cost of cultivation, increasing the production and fetching better market price through value addition of commodities.


    • Dissemination of technologies to the farmers through extension services
    • Distribution of quality inputs (Seeds , Fertilizer etc) which are essential for crop production at subsidized cost to the farmers through agriculture extension centre.
    • Motivating farmers to adopt new Technologies (SRI in Paddy, SSI in Sugarcane, SPI in Pulses) for increasing the production.
    • Motivating farmers enroll under PMFBY for Crop Insurance of a notified Crop for secured farming.
    • Motivating farmers to adopt micro irrigation (Drip, Sprinkler, Raingun) for various crops, as minimum water usage and obtaining maximum yield.
    • Increasing the economic status of small and marginal farmers through collective cultivation under collective farming scheme with distribution of farm machineries also.

Important Schemes or Programmes – (PDF – 219 KB)

Important Officials Contact-District Level

District Level Contacts
Sl.No Designation Telephone No Address
1 Joint Director of Agriculture 


O/o Joint Director of Agriculture, Chengalpattu-603001

2 Deputy Director of Agriculture


O/o Joint Director of Agriculture, Chengalpattu-603001

3 Deputy Director of Agriculture, (PA Agri to District Collector)


Collectorate, Chengalpattu-603001

Block Level – Important Officials Contact Details – (PDF – 190 KB)

RTI Contacts

Deputy Director of Agriculture/
Public Information Officer, (for Schemes )
Land Line Number-(044- 27428391)

Administrative Officer /
Public Information Officer (for Administration)
Land Line Number (044- 27428391)